Collection: Sharmila Gupta

In my painting, I channel the pure joy and abandon of childhood, crafting art that defies perfection and bursts with color and texture. Hands become tools for expressing emotions through dynamic lines and strokes, while my work balances representation with the abstract, weaving play with earnestness. The art's transformative nature emerges amidst this controlled chaos. Inspired by the natural world, I infuse symbols and elements of the environment into my art, particularly the dynamic area where water meets land. My landscapes aim to bridge the physical with the symbolic, capturing nature's ephemeral qualities and serving as vessels for expression and thought. My latest works offer multiple perspectives, imagining life as a fish in the sea, a bird in the sky, or a terrestrial being, all within a single piece. These panoramic visions often include elements of earth, fire, water, and sky, framed by trees in a vertical composition. I express my fascination with illumination using a painterly vocabulary of minimalist symbols, blending various artistic styles with fluidity.
Sharmila Gupta

4 products